September 23, 2014 admin 10 comments

Placebo Medicine- Comments page

My name is MORGAN LEVY, MD and this is a blog-site about integrating alternative and mainstream medicine through the new neuroscience of the placebo effect. There is intense disagreement between those who prefer traditional medicine and those that think alternative approaches can cure everything. Let’s discuss how non-pharmacologic approaches such as acupuncture, homeopathic remedies, psychotherapy, hypnosis, yoga, meditation and the doctor-patient relationship can alter brain chemicals to produce compensatory responses that can improve pain, nausea and psychiatric symptoms. I think primary care physicians could use this knowledge to incorporate some alternative therapies into their clinical practice. What do you think?

Leave a comment, criticism or observation and start a conversation.

Dr. Levy does speaking engagements to both professional and non-professional groups on a sliding scale. Read his bio and contact him at: Morgan L. Levy, MD


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